Luciano Badaracco
Home for me was, even if I didn’t realise it at the moment, the world BC, before Covid-19. That place that we left in a hurry, without packing anything or thinking it too much, and that we most probably won’t see ever again.
Should we think that we’ll emerge from this historical moment to a reflection of our previous reality? I think we can agree that we won’t. We are going through a paradigm shift.
These thoughts trigger a set of images, that in a ludic and abstract way, questions if our routine could transform itself in a couple of weeks, which other things may follow as well.
I could be overreacting and soon everything returns to normal. It could also happen, as we all desire, we come out strengthened by this experience.
However the vulnerability that I find myself experiencing and the idea that everything I knew was susceptible to change, will be a hard feeling to forget.
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