So by now, in his Yves Klein blue jump suit and thin gold rimmed glasses, Joe was knee deep in an experiment. After a brief conversation about stained glass windows I was swiftly left to my own devices and he was carefully rummaging through endless sheets of paper searching for a single sheet of tracing paper. The Idea was to print out an image on his trusty old Brother printer (career long partners in crime) and see how it worked overlaid on images on his screen. The printer jammed. What would normally lead to expletives from me or you “f*%k technology!”, led to Joe smiling, reeling the half printed and creased sheet out of the printer as if he had intended this all along. “Hmmm, the toner hasn’t set” his trusty sidekick had only half completed the job. For some reason only half the printed area had set, the rest you could spread about with your finger like charcoal. Excited about this new medium he’d discovered, he set to work!… What had started in one direction, had led to a completely different outcome. I had the distinct impression that Joe’s days are filled with these discoveries. Constantly following his intuition and toying with different ways of layering, printing and presenting his ideas. Some work, some don’t, but “You have to try these things” he’d say.