012 – Oliver Takáč


48 page • 21 x 16 cm
Edition of 350
Card wraparound cover
Magnetised seal
Available now 

Three fine art print options are also available in the following editions:

Ed 1-10: £60
Ed 11-15: £75
Ed 16-20: £80
Ed 21-25: £85
Ed 26-30: £90

Contact OD for fine art print enquiries:

This is the twelth of a growing collection of publications in collaboration with Setanta Books. Publishing the work of emerging or unpublished photographers from around the world.

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Oliver Takáč

Oliver Takáč is a Slovak photographer, colourist and cinematographer born in Košice. He is currently attending a cinematography course at the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava. Training to become Director of Photography. Looking at his colourful art it’s like living inside a movie among imaginary narratives in fantastical places. His style has already made a huge impact amongst his contemporaries. As well as offering oversubscribed masterclasses of his own for young emerging artists wishing to learn his grading and colouration techniques. This is remarkable for an artist who has only been taking photographs for a few years.

I’ve been taking photographs for about two and a half years. It’s not a long journey. I only shoot what I like and not what I think the others want. I don’t create to be famous. I am happy with myself and with what I do. This is all that I really need.

I don’t take inspiration from anyone else. I have a lot of ideas for pictures inside my head, so why should I take inspiration from someone? I think that if you don’t have basic ideas to start, you won’t create your own style and everything will just be the result of a series of accidents.” – Oliver Takáč, 2022


Print enquiries, contact: tom@opendoors.gallery

See more from this ongoing bi-monthly publication series here

The books are for sale via our friends at Setanta Books

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