Barima Owusu-Nyantekyi
“Like any good diasporan, my childhood was partly spent in the home of my grandmother, matriarch of a popular Tropical Modernist house in Kumasi, Ghana where the light travels through it in a rectilinear rhythm of angles, shutters and contrasting gradients.” – Barima Owusu-Nyantekyi
As a self-taught photographer, Barima distills a love of storytelling, colour theory, cinematography, art history, interior design and comic book panels into imagery with a dynamic aspect that often borders on the abstract or cinematic. His favourite subjects include the storied history and regal dynamism of the Ashanti people, our spatial relationships with urban architecture and the notion that any single person could be the protagonist of their own painting, movie poster or cinematic frame.
Above all, Barima believes that the ways in which we engage with the physical and cultural world around us find us at our most vivacious, whether through appearance or location; history or modernism; colour or black and white. For these reasons, he usually allows his scenes and subjects occur naturally, rather than imposing himself on them, but is also fully capable of directing them himself.
Barima currently lives in London.
Exhibited in the OD online exhibition The Road Trip, 2020
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