Jeremy Snell‘s series Sahel follows the lives of Fulani nomadic tribes living on the fringe of the Saharan desert in West Africa. A region where sustained high temperatures damage crops and make searching for food and water incredibly difficult.
“The sandstorms of Mali and Niger, combined with the arresting beauty of the Fulani people are some of my most cherished memories I’ve had on this planet.” – Jeremy Snell
Jeremy and Open Doors Gallery will donate 20% of print sales profits from this series to charity:water to aid their efforts in bringing clean water to families in The Sahel and all over the globe.
WATCH The Sahel Region
Jeremy Snell: Sahel #18
Jeremy Snell: Sahel #17
Jeremy Snell: Sahel #16
Jeremy Snell: Sahel #15
Jeremy Snell: Sahel #14
Jeremy Snell: Sahel #13
Jeremy Snell: Sahel #12
Jeremy Snell: Sahel #11
Jeremy Snell: Sahel #10
Jeremy Snell: Sahel #9
Jeremy Snell: Sahel #8
Jeremy Snell: Sahel #7
Jeremy Snell: Sahel #6
Jeremy Snell: Sahel #5
Jeremy Snell: Sahel #4