OD Photo Prize 2024 | Judges’ Pick
Selected by Karen McQuaid
Senior Curator at The Photographers’ Gallery
LCC Lecturer
“Dance, performance, social rites and hierarchies intertwine in this fascinating and confident docu-fiction project.” – Karen McQuaid
Abhishek Rajaram Khedekar (b. 1991, Dapoli) is a photographer based in New Delhi, India. He blends documentary styles with surrealist techniques, particularly collage, to give voice to those on the fringes of society. His work incorporates fictive elements that challenge dominant narratives, often rooted in historical research and archival imagery. By pushing the boundaries of photography, his projects are conceived as installations that incorporate sculpture and audio.
Artist Statement | “Tamasha, Khedekar’s experimental docu-fiction, follows a troupe of artists living and performing nomadically across the state of Maharashtra in India. The Tamasha, established in the 1800s, are a folk performing arts group that combines dance, music and visual art. Khedekar says, “The project explores the everyday challenges faced by the group, particularly the discriminatory and prejudicial treatment they often receive. People in the community tend to see Tamasha simply as a form of entertainment, whilst neglecting their basic needs. The project aims to provide a tangible celebration of Tamasha’s humanity, in a world that denies them of it.” Khedekar uses archival material as well as documentary photography – inviting collaboration from his subjects and using collage techniques – to visualise this often-discriminated group through experimental and surreal visual narratives, citing the traditions of the Tamasha in the realities of modern India. Having lived and toured with the Tamasha on a number of occasions, Khedekar gained their confidence and became intimate with their story and issues.“ — Abhishek Khedekar
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